"Nothing will separate us until we want it ourselves." ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

"Nothing will separate us until we want it ourselves." ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

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 All was perfect .... for a while.

I could even say ... amazing.

I saw them happy together.

They were staying at the coffee shop for hours ... speaking and laughing together.

In fact .... enjoying the company of each other.

Actually ... I've never saw such a couple ... being able to stay so much together and being so happy because of that.

But ... something happened.

That joy disappeared.

I could not believe it.

I saw them for 1 year at the coffee shop and i could say that ... they were the clear evidence that real love stories ... exist.

And people can stay in love of each other for a lifetime.

Unfortunately ... as i've said ... into one point something happened ... and that joy of being together ... disappeared.

... totally disappeared.

Knowing her well ... i've dared to ask her .... "What the hell is going on?! You really had the perfect love story together...


but now ... "

Sadly ... she replied ...

"Someone ... cast a spell on us.

I know it sounds weird ... but it is not.

We were always enjoying the moments together... now for any silly reason ... we start to argue ... and we ruin all.



Someone doesn't want as us to be together anymore.

And ... this spell is really ... so, so powerful.

I was looking at her ... and couldn't know what to reply.

It was indeed ... a weird subject.

But ... i knew people are envying when seeing beautiful love stories.

I knew people envy seeing other people happy.

.... especially in couple.

I knew ... the power of that ... hate.

So ... the spell itself .... didn't look so, so illogical.

At least ...not for me.

Meeting her again ... smiling ... she whispered me ... "I've told him ... Nothing will separate us until we want it ourselves."

She .... had an idea about ... spells.

She ... really had.

But ... she also knew that if love between is real .... nothing can't break them up.


Not even the spells of those people which were envying and hating … their beautiful love story.


Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

... seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



Amazon -https://www.amazon.com/DISCONNECTING-seen-amazing-trick-beautiful-ebook/dp/B0DFQJXZ3D/ref=sr_1_56?crid=O5DE3OIIBU3Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.emLw8DTnC4rP5P-HI0y4LYxDBZTAtRsy5p1BMmAZifKJ-4TJ2A5fZ7CbowvnJwqRYlVeuSUF9tsFCifBvmpz0-KOGcBVn1hgrguACzoGiSHyGVvnLMyVYAjWaHmlIYYpd3lW6US2QlkDpue65kwNUGNTwtYkqi8My2T-Nplkx-s.fYKCaEcFDuj-92N0YhwQl9P4uqtdAPvszxEC-U81lOc&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru&qid=1726480317&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C195&sr=1-56


Google Books - https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Adrian_Gabriel_Dumitru_DISCONNECTING_seen_as_un_am?id=RaQbEQAAQBAJ&hl=en


Apple Books - https://books.apple.com/ro/book/disconnecting/id6657977255




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